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5 Breast Questions You’re Too Embarrassed to Ask

It’s happened to us all. You stare into the mirror in horror at a tiny stray hair sprouting from your nipple. A suspicious bump on the underside of your breast. Maybe one hangs differently than the other or is another size. Is there something wrong with you? The answer is no. These variances are normal for everyone and are usually nothing to be worried about, and certainty nothing to be embarrassed to bring up with your doctor. (They’ve heard it all, rest assured). If you still need a pep talk or a little reassurance before making an appointment through HealthLynked, read on for the top breast questions on the minds of Oohvie users.

Why Are My Breasts Lumpy?

Breasts are made up of fats, nerves, and dense connective tissues. There are plenty of reasons to feel noncancerous bumps, not the least of which is your menstrual cycle, causing hormonal shifts and an increase of fluids in your tissues. Breast tissue varies from woman to woman and from time to time throughout her lifetime. Unless you’re over forty-five, have a family history of breast cancer, and/or a rigid mass, then chances are your consistency changes are completely normal.

Why Is One Breast Larger Than the Other?

Fact: More than half of all women have breast asymmetry. It’s so common, it’s normal, even expected for women entering puberty. Breasts can vary in size, shape, volume, position for genetic reasons, hormonal variations, pregnancy, trauma, or simply because that’s the way your breasts are meant to be. In rare cases, asymmetry is caused by atypical ductal hyperplasia, a condition involving excess tissue growth in the lactiferous ducts leading to an increased risk of cancer. Check with your doctor, but the odds are good that your breasts are sized and shaped exactly the way they should be.

Why Are My Nipples Changing Color?

Breast skin is just as vulnerable as other parts of the body to psoriasis, eczema, acne, and stretch marks. The areola, the skin around the nipple, can shift slightly in color over time based on exposure to the sun, age, pregnancy, and heredity. This is completely normal. However, if you’ve experienced a large color variation, you should inform your doctor.

Why Are My Nipples Inverted?

Have they been inverted your whole life? You’ve heard of “innie” and “outie” belly buttons—the same rules apply to nipples. About ten percent of the population has naturally retracted or inverted nipples developed in the womb. While not at all dangerous, the condition can make breastfeeding problematic for women. Otherwise, the nipple is totally healthy.

Why Do I Have Hair on My Breasts? 

Guess what? Your entire body is covered with hair follicles, and their job is to make hair. Stray, wiry hairs can sprout up anywhere on your body. It’s not uncommon for someone to see a little hair and think that she’s suffering from a hormonal imbalance. We assure you, it’s normal. You can pluck them or leave them, but unless you’re noticing an onslaught of thick, sudden hair growth, you’re in the clear.


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